Insomniaccomplishments CD review at Powerpopaholic Blog

The PowerPopaholic music blog has posted a review of my new album! CLICK HERE to read the review at the site. Gotta love the Lowe and Crenshaw references! Text is below:

Jonathan Rundman "Insomniaccomplishments" Jonathan Rundman tells his story with simple arrangements and an acoustic guitar for the most part. As the title suggests, these tunes were born in his basement studio in the wee small hours. The songs range from forceful folk of "If you have a question" to the Neil Young-ish pop of "New Eyes." Some songs have a more traditional instrumental angle ("Kuortane") and others have progressive rock feel ("Nothing Downtown") so stylistically it has something for everyone. Duet partner Beki Hemingway add her harmonies to "I Thought You Were Mine" to make it the best track on the album for me. Some of the indie pop tones recall a mix of Nick Lowe and Marshall Crenshaw. And that's fine with me. Jonathan also has a "Best-of" collection that will give you insight into the man's previous works.


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