Tonsillectomy! Warning: disgusting photos ahead.

Lookout! There are some pretty graphic photos in this post, so if you're feeling queasy, stop reading now. But hey, what's the internet for anyway? Graphic photos! I'm pleased to do my part in making the World Wide Web an even more offensive place.

On Monday, three days ago, I got my tonsils removed. Here's a shot of those ping pong ball sized intruders, festering away in the back of my mouth for the past two decades, grossing out every doctor and dentist I've ever seen since high school. In addition to looking horrific, they blocked my windpipe, caused subtle non-stop coughing and runny nose, gave me strep throat FOUR TIMES in the past 12 months, smelled foul, and made my mouth taste like roadkill for the past three years. I'd like to take this moment to publicly apologize to my wife Dawn who has had to kiss me these past few years. And I'd like to send my condolences to the Ice Breakers Breathmint company, who are sure to go out of business now that my demon tonsils are GONE.

That's right, those babies have been extracted and incinerated, and I've been having one of the best weeks of my life. Yes, it's occasionally painful to recover from this surgery, BUT every 4-6 hours I take a hit of some serious narcotics, a medication called Roxicet ("you don't have to put on the red light") and I'm whisked off into a pain-free land of pure relaxation, heavenly deep sleep, and mellow happiness. On top of my drug-induced delight, my Mom & Dad are in town to care for Paavo and Svea, allowing me to rest, sleep, catch up on email, read, and chill out. So my parenting worries are alleviated, and I'm being ultra-productive. Here's a photo of me this can see the gaping black caverns where my tonsils used to reside. Gross, eh? Get this: my mouth tastes fresh and non-toxic for the first time in years! AND, food tastes twice as good as it used to! I had basic pancakes, and their blinding deliciousness almost knocked me over! Is this what normal people experience when eating? Holy cow, I have an entire universe of food and sensory input to rediscover!

So, there's the update. Thanks to Dr. Posey for doing such a great job, thanks to Nurse Dawn for being my at-home care coordinator, and thanks to my parents for taking care of the kiddos so I can recover. No singing for a month, no driving a car when I'm on these drugs, no sharp or crunchy food, no heavy lifting. It might take me another 10 days to get back to some sense of normal, but all this hassle is a small price to pay to free my mouth from being a toxic waste dump.

Okay, time to drink another huge glass of water, and prepare for my late-morning snooze.


Anonymous said…
Oh my God! I just got my tonsils out yesterday, and I know exactly how you feel! I can't eat anything yet, but I am so relieved that those nasty things are gone. And even when I slack on my medication (They gave me Tylenol with codeine) my throat still doesn't hurt as bad as when my tonsils used to get infected and swollen. It's amazing!
ME! said…
I found your blog entry when Googled for Adult tonsillectomy images! Great post and description of life WITH the tonsils- I went through the same thing. People ask me WHY are going through this? I say "CHRONIC STREP PHARYNGITIS" mean anything to you? I kept Listerine breath strips in business. I wish I would have though to take a picture before and after, good idea. I am on day 7, and am finally feeling human. Day 5 I thought I was feeling human so I cut back on the Demerol elixer...big mistake. (Day 3 I had a bleed). I am living on Sonic Slushies and Slimfast. Tried Mashed Potatoes and Soup. NOPE!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey there!

I too googled you today and found your blog. I am getting my tonsils out friday. I am a professional singer and I have been told that Ill be fine in two weeks to reading a month in your blog. It looks like you are a singer too. How long was it till you could sing? Please email me and let me know. I am freaking out:-) Thanks!
My doctor told me: no singing for a month. I'm glad I waited. Two weeks after I got my tonsils out, I was still in some pretty serious pain...every time I yawned or sneezed the pain was excruciating!
Anonymous said…
Im on day 10 I got my tonsils taken out August 1st. WOW what a trip it has been. I was prescribed viccodin or how ever you spell that.. almost all of my scabs are gone. I had chronic tonsilllitis!! worse thing everr. I`m finally getting back to normal. I`m off viccodin, just taking ibuprofen. Alot of poeple are shocked that I`m back up and going only ten days after. Recovering was hard coughing up stuff..the bad breath..not eatting yummy foods. I lost a good five pounds. Well i hope everyones recovery is going great. good luck

Anonymous said…
Lucky you, I had my tonsils removed january of this year and it was the worst expeirence of my life. 3 days after my throat bled and I lost too much blood, I ended up in hospital for just over a month on morphiene with infected tubes and glandular fever on top of all of that.
Anonymous said…
I also found this whilst googleing images of tonsillectomy! i'm insanely glad you have told your experience in a positive light. Everybody stresses the pain...
Anonymous said…
Had a Tonsillectomy, Uvuelectomy, and Repaired Deviated Septum on Oct 13th. Most of my pain has been from the 4th day through today. I went to the doc today and he took out the stints in my nose so I can finally breate. Even having all three done, Roxicet and sleep has done me well. I expect my throat to feel like its on fire for the next few days. Overall not that bad as many state.
Unknown said…
I finally found a post that doesn't look like it was written from someone's death bed. I'm a 40 year old male who had a tonsillectomy (sleep apnea) yesterday, so I'm at the beginning of this journey. My Doctor prescribed my liquid Hydrocodone which I take religiously every 4 hours. I have to admit, this is one of the worst pains i've ever felt. I'm following all the guidelines...drinking plenty of fluids soft food etc. I've been pretty much limited to broth (sometimes with saltines soaked in them), apple sauce, gatorade/water and a icy every now and then. The first night was a nightmare...hardly got any sleep but the next day was better so far. I took a look at the back of my throat with a flash light today, and I've seen highway accidents that look less scary then what I saw. The area where my tonsils were are these two kinda light green patches. Are they supposed to be green. I cough these up from time to time with no pain. I'm not to see my doctor for another 9 days and was just wondering.
Dawn Rundman said…
Hi Commenters. This is Jonathan's wife. I thought I'd leave a comment here since Jonathan's post about having a tonsillectomy is still receiving comments a year later.

This info may be especially helpful to the spouses/significant others who will be helping their tonsil-less sweeties in the first days after the surgery.

We didn't make this decision lightly since it would involve surgery requiring general anesthesia, time in the hospital (and, in turn, exposure to the germs that hospitals have that, in some cases, lead to infections), significant pain, pain management with major-league painkillers, and disruption to family life for several days. And did I mention pain?

Anyway, the decision was solidified a few months before the surgery when Jonathan had to go to urgent care and get a strep test (which was positive) and an antibiotics prescription while we were on vacation in a different state on his birthday.

The time had come!

So here's what happened afterward from the perspective of someone who was not taking prescription strength painkillers.

After the surgery when they finally let me see him, he was groggy groggy groggy as he came out of anesthesia. Once he was deemed fit to go, we headed to the car and I drove the short trip to our home. His pain started pretty quickly afterwards so we started with the Roxicet almost immediately.

We found that it wore off after about 3 1/2 hours, so the last 30 minutes were especially tough for him before he could take the next dose. We went through the whole bottle of that stuff and then the doc gave him a prescription for Tylenol with codeine which didn't work AT ALL, so he got a prescription for the second bottle of Roxicet.

Jonathan stays at home and cares for our two kids while I'm at work (what a guy this man is!), so for a week after the surgery we had arranged for his parents to be here to take care of our kids. He was in no position to be doing anything requiring movement, lifting, or sound decision making.

I'd never seen him in a chemically altered state before. (We've known each other 20+ years.) It was really, really weird. He was really, really glad whenever it was time for a Roxicet dose. I had to adjust to the fact that meds were really helping him manage pain even though they rendered him so out of it.

After the first week, his parents headed back to Michigan. On Monday and Tuesday of that second week, Jonathan called me at work at about noon and told me the pain was so severe that he needed me to come home because he needed to take the meds. He knew he wouldn't be able to drive our son to preschool and to parent effectively if he was taking the painkillers. Turns out he wasn't able to parent effectively without the painkillers either.

By Wednesday of that week he was able to be at home with our kids all day. By the end of the second week, he was in really good shape. Both of us were thrilled that those things were out. (They measured them and we figured that they were the size of 2 9-volt batteries!)

So, spouses/significant others, be prepared for some major disruptions in your life for a few weeks. You will see your sweetie under the influence of significant drugs. You will also see them in pain when those drugs wear off. You will need to assume most to all of the major household duties.

But it will be totally worth it to get those buggers out.
Anonymous said…
ok I am 17 and I am scheducaled to get my tonsiles out the 31 of this month and I am so scared bc I have never had surgery in my entire life....everyone tells me the pain of healing is excruciating I dont know what to do.....I cant even sleep I am so nervous.....
Anonymous said…
stephanie all i can say is be positive..people had really scared me but it isn't as bad as i was told especially since i had experienced very severe and painful infection...i'm 8 days post-op and still in a little bit of pain, but even so i can tell you its the best thing ive ever done! good luck x
Anonymous said…
i am 4 days post op & only taking tylenol when i need it. just feels like a bad sore throat now. staying really hydrated so that i don't have any bleeding problems with the scabs coming off! my uvula is super huge though - i gag on it!
zoe said…
Hi All. I am due to have my tonsils removed in a weeks time. I am 38 and have been told to expect pain for 3 weeks so was very nervous but have found reading everyones stories very helpful. I was planning on living on soup for a while but hasve just read that this is a no no, ARGH!!!!!! How long is it before you can actually drive?
Anonymous said…
Yeah I am Stephanie and I had mine out 2 weeks ago and that was the most painful thing I have ever had done to me in my entire life!! I am so happy you only have to have that done once...I am no longer on any pain meds though which is great!! I had many many complications I almost bled to death about 5 days ago and they did a cauteriztion on me...and that was my second bleed....very scarey I thought I was going to die!!!!! I hope this was worth it!!
Anonymous said…
Yeah I am Steph lol so far I have left two things the before I had my surgery done and now the after which is both up there...thank you for the advice people!!!
Anonymous said…
I wish that I had read this blog before I had my tonsils out. I'm 6 days post op now and although I still have pain, it wasn't as bad as the peristonillar abscess was ( my second) the week after I had my 3rd baby. So I'm breastfeeding my 2 month old and pain medications were limited. I'm taking toradol and it works wonders. No drowsiness, and I can drive and care for my kids without feeling like I need to fall asleep. The worst part of this all is the swelling of my uvula - it sits on the back of my tongue and makes me gag. Other suggestions for those out there - drink lots and lots of cold fluids - ice water and gatorade are my favorite. The pain is worse when my throat is dry. Avoid hot fluids - ouch!!! Popcicles are your friend and don't miss med doses.
Anonymous said…
Day 2 for me. 40 yr old male, not too bad yet, I ate like 15 saltine crackers in the room right after recovery room, and had toast that night. Pain is nasty, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I have had a lot of strep, colds, flus etc, so having a really painful throat is nothing new to me. The onlt thing really bothering me is when I lay flat on my back, my uvula is so swollen, that I can't exhale w/o opening my mouth.
Freebrd02 said…
Just got home from the hospital. 25 year old female, not too much pain yet. Just feels like a bad sore throat. Pretty much only hurts when I swallow, especially when my throat is dry (so keep drinking that cold water!) They gave me Tylonol with codeine which seems to help for now. My uvula is huge though and is quite uncomfortable when I'm laying down as it touches the back of my throat. After reading these posts now, I'm kinda nervous about the bleeding when the scabs fall off in a few days (I was told about 4). Any tips to minimize bleeding? The reason I had my tonsils taken out is because they were really enlarged, full of tonsil stones, and made it hard to breath (especially at night). They made my breath rank too. I have chewed more gum in the last 10 years then most people have in a lifetime.
Anonymous said…
Just got done with surgery 7 hours ago. I was a little anxious because I had never gone under general anesthesia. All said and done it wasn’t bad. I do agree that keeping water in your mouth is the way to go. You will probably feel like there is gauze in the back of your throat for a while but it’s just the cauterizations. Funny story however; I have two friends who work at the local surgery center in the town where I live. When I got home and came out from under anesthetic I noticed that my toenails were painted with fingernail polish….lol. I would suggest propping your head us when you sleep to relive the direct pressure from things shifting to the back of your throat.

Once it was all said and done, it aches more than hurts and its controllable with the prescribed medications, which for me are Tylenol with Codeine. I asked the doc about recovery time and he told me that 3-5 days for the swelling to go down and 4-6 weeks before I could eat any harsh foods i.e. chips, popcorn etc.

Good luck,

Keep things in perspective and realize that the result is worth the temporary discomfort.
Anonymous said…
Hello, I am Lynsie and I am 22. I am going to have my tonsils out on my birthday. What the heck is up with that. I am worried about waking up in horrible pain. I am even more worried about any nausea after the surgery. I am also really worried of running out of pain medicine!! yes, I guess you can say that I am pretty much worried about it all. I have never had a broken bone, never even had stitches. And certainly never had surgery. I am absolutely terrified of what I will feel when I come out of surgery. After doing several searches for post op symptoms for adults, photo's, video's and anything tonsil related that you can possibly think of, I came accross this sight, and It was a weight off to see what most adults experience after the procedure. I think I can be a little more at ease.
Anonymous said…
Hello All!

Two weeks post op from my tonsillectomy....and all I can say is thank God it is over! The pain has been overwhelming! I just ate my first meal in 2 weeks this past Friday. Drinking is still a little weird and feels funny going down my throat, but looking forward to NO MORE tonsil stones that smell bad!
Alastair said…
Hello from the UK. It's amazing reading all the different accounts of tonsillectomy's. The experiences are so varied from people not being able to eat for two weeks to people finding it all pretty reasonable. It's Thursday 6th August 2009 and i had mine out on Tuesday 4th. I'm a 39 year old male and they say the older you are the worse it is but so far it's not too bad as long as i keep up to date on the painkillers (Paracetamol for pain and Volterol for inflamation). Over here in the UK the advice is to eat as normally as possible to help keep the wonunds clean so it's toast, crunchy cereal, normal food etc which is fine as long as the pain killers have kicked in. Anyway, good luck to everyone going through this. It's not an easy decision but from what i can gather, it's well worth it. And 2 weeks off work isn't too bad either.
Anonymous said…
Hi From Australia! I am a 26 year old female and had my tonsils out on Monday the 3rd of August 2009. Today is Saturday and I think I am finally turning a corner with the pain. It was excruitiating when I got back from recovery but as soon as they started me on a patient controlled analgesia (the iv pain meds where you press the button for a dose) of fentanyl it was ok. I am on panadine forte which is 500mg of paracetamol with 30mg of codine. I was taking 2 of those every 4 hours but now I take much less. I was able to eat toast for the first time today. I would do it again to get rid of 4 months of tonsilitis and constant infections (bronchitis/pharyingitis) as a result of the germs hiding in my tonsils.
If you are getting it done and have small kids definitely get them baby sat. I have a 7 month old daughter and my mum and grandmother have looked after her most of the week.
The pain is not so bad the first few days it gets gradually worse and worse up until about day 4. The doctor says the pain peaks at day 4 and day 7.

it hurts the worst when I wake up because my mouth is dry. Also when I burp and especially when I yawn that is the worst.

Good luck to all those getting the operation.!
Meghan said…
I had my tonsils out Friday the 31st, so I'm about 9 days out. Feelings much much better. I had many of the same problems as the author of this blog, as well as recurring strep. A cold I could never get rid of and there was a running bet in my office at work that if anyone were to get swine flu, it'd be me. So... no more tonsils! I'd say that the most pain came around that last 30 hour before I could redose, it just wears off completely. By the third or forth day it just stopped working. Horrible. I ended up having to return to the hospital so they could give me an IV with some fluids to rehydrate me. Basically I wasn't drinking enough because it was horrible. Some days I was awake and redosing every four hours, others I was sleeping and redosing and sometimes slept through a dose. Sleeping through a dose SUCKS. I woke up in excruciating pain. Thanks to my mom we had the great idea of putting a towel over my pillows, great idea!!! Because in the middle of the night or if I was groggy I could just spit onto the towel and not worry about swallowing if it hurt to much. This came in especially handy later on when I would bleed in the middle of the night... it pools like drool y'all, just like drool, but bloody. It was less than spectacular. But now I'm much better, I even had a grilled cheese today (minus the crust), another good food, if you like them, are artichokes (no chewing really required, if you don't eat the heart). That was something I enjoyed.

Good luck to everyone having the surgery, I feel your pain.
Anonymous said…
I had my tonsils out Monday today is Friday. I'm a 36 year old mother, wife and high school teacher, so I wanted this done before I have to teach! General anesthesia is great slept half of first day. Took pain meds religiously (Vicodin and Amoxicillin), gargled, elevated head, lots of clear liquids. The nurse gave me a little tab that stuck on the outside of my neck to prevent nausea due to the Vicodin. However, when I had to remove the tab after 24 hours, I started vomitting. So now I'm using Adult strength liquid Tylenol. I'm quite weak so i got about 8 movies and a big box of popsicles. Day two was the worst, couldn't really swallow had to throw back my head to make the fluid go down. Third and fourth day are much better but not great. Tapioca pudding, protein smoothies, and today, Reeses peanut butter cups are my favorite!! I'm still glad to get the tonsils out. This way I won't get sick every other week of the school year!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the info!
Anonymous said…
I am a 40 year old female and I am having tonsillectomy surgery this week Thursday and I too have tonsil stones and bad breath. I am scared to death about this surgery. My biggest fear is bleeding. My doctor says he's never had to do a blood transfusion but I still worry about that. Has anyone had tissue damage to the area near where the tonsils were as a result of the cauterization?
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your comment
Anonymous said…
Hello I'm the 40 year old mom who had tonsil surgery yesterday. 1st day was not too painful due to the anesthesia but the worst part of it all was the feeling nauseous all day long. I had to vomit 3 times but only once spit up a small clot of blood. Today the nausea is not as bad. Not vomiting as of yet. I'm hoping the anesthesia has worn off by now. I'm still taking my pain medicine every 4 hours as my throat still hurts. I'm not looking forward to days 4-6 as I read that is when the most pain comes. I have a question for the 36 year mom and teacher who posted a comment on 8/28/09. When your scabs fell off, did you have bleeding and if so was it substantial? I worry about getting to that point which I believe is about day 10. I've read of people having to go to the hospital due to the large loss of blood and that scares me. Your reply would be appreciated.
Anonymous said…
hey everyone! I am 27 tear old mom. I just had my tonsils and adenoids taken out September 18, 2009 I am 7 days out. I am still in someone horrible pain, but the pain meds send me off to my own little pain free world so its not that bad. The first few day after my surgery I was able to eat soft foods but now since the scabs are coming off I can eat anything with out it hurt to the point of tears. Also found out that anything with carbon or citrus hurts like hell so no cokes which sucks so I have also noticed that I need my own spittoon with me at all times. But all in all I am glad I got the surgery done and over with. Just wish the healing process would hurry up already I want a big juicy burger! lol
Unknown said…
My name is Thomas and I am on day 6 since having my tonsils, adnoids, and uvula taken out. I agree with you all when they say it is an excruciating experience. Luckily I did not have the nausua that some people have had after the surgury. Mine was a day surgury. I was home after 1 1/2 hours in surgury. I can say my roomate Gabe has been excellent throught this. I have been on Vicodin since last week and I am still in pain. Haven't had much to eat as I find cold things to be too painful and I try to stick to warm/hot foods. I finally upgraded to mashed potatoes. I have also noticed an increased sensation to salivate and a semi swollen tounge. To all those who are in the process of having theirs removed, good luck and remember, it does gett better.
Samantha :o) said…
Hi to all...Im a 20.f from the England. I had my tonsils removed 11days ago, and yes the pain afterwards was awful !! I had my first meal today, and have lost a total of 13 lbs, which is the only plus side lol.
All i can advise is that you take all medicines regulary, drink lots of fluids and sleep lots and lots!
The pain started to reduce after about 9 days for me, and im so glad i wil never be able to do this again.~
So, now, 11days later, im still not fully recovered. I stil cannot drink properlly, it hurts to talk and i dont have much tablets.
But its all worth it end and just remember 'dont worry, about a thing, coz every little thing, is gonna be alright'-Bob Marley lol

Good luck sure u will all be the end :)

(any questions feel free to email me
Anonymous said…
I had my tonsils removed 13 days ago. My pain has gone down slightly. I'm not sure why but my left ear and the left side of my throat still hurt. What's most bothersome is this tickle that I get in the back of my throat right behind my tongue which makes me cough uncontrollably. I never had this problem before the surgery. I've asked the doctor and he can't seem to explain why that is happening to me. I still can't drink liquids fast because it makes me feel like I am choking. Drinking with a straw or sipping slowly is the only thing that helps. Has anyone had this tickle I refer to or the ear pain?
Anonymous said…
I'm 24 yr old female from the UK. Just had my tonsillectomy yesterday afternoon (Mon 19th Oct). So far so good! Really worried myself listening to all the horror stories on here about the pain and the bleeding but at this early stage everything is fine. I've had very little pain so far and am only on paracetamol low dose (which i think is similar to tylenol) and a mild anti-inflammitory. I actually keep forgetting to take my meds because I am in so little pain. The nurse did say that increased pain between days 4-7 is common and has given me tramadol (with morphene) for then but she has also said that in general those who suffer the most pain during this time are those who don't eat and drink properly quickly enough afterwards. The advice here is to eat and drink a normal diet including abrasive foods asap, and they made me eat before I left. The first time was pretty painful but I've been eating fine all day (although a bit slow, not really painful).
All the info in the UK says that people who don't eat/drink because of the pain get stuck in a vicious cycle where the pain gets worse because you are not keeping hydrated and keeping those muscles flexed! It also increases the chance of bleed if you don't eat normally.
Good Luck and it'll all be worth it in the end!
Laurie from Maine said…
I am a 38 year old female and had my tonsils out almost 6 days ago and my ears are also very sore. My throat "scabs" have still not fallen off and I am kind of wondering when they will. My pain has been hard to control, and it's tough to swallow. I use a humidifier in my bedroom and it seems to help a bit. Cepacol losenges also seem to help although whatever you sip/eat after trying to numb your throat with it will taste like Cepacol :) I'm glad I went through with the surgery. I am looking forward to a winter without being constantly sick with tonsilitis and strep. I won't miss the tonsil stones and the nasty taste they brought with them. I would recommend it but I would make sure you have a good surgeon and someone who will work with you sensibly on pain control. Also, be sure to enlist and accept help. You can't do this alone.
2windsong said…
I'm 62, and on day six of recovery. I'm amazed at how much pain I have had and I'm still using my hydrocodone about every 4-8 hours. Sometimes I'm asleep or just don't need a dose and then after two or three hours beyond that dose time, the pain comes booming back and I go take another dose, become nicely drunk and sleepy and get some relief. I ice my ears too, and that gives me some relief. Eustachian tube pain has always been a big part of my sore throats so I'm not surprised that it is part of surgery recovery, too. My surgery sites are so awful looking, mostly white stuff over black stuff with bright red edges. I think I might have some yeast overgrowth back there, too, which is only made worse by all the sugar I'm eating in popsicles, ice cream, etc. So I'm trying to stay away from sugar and also started taking an acidofilous (spelling?) supplement to get the good stuff growing again.
I would get discouraged at how slowly this is going, but I've read so many posts by others about how long it takes and how much it hurts that I feel like I'm right on target. My surgeon reminded me it would be a miserable 10 days and then things would start getting better. He used the "hot knife" method on me, kind of cutting and cauterizing as he went, and I haven't had one bit of bleeding. Of course, that could still happen, but at least it hasn't yet. I think the hydrocodone made me a little sick to my stomach and I had one bout of heartburn (maybe reflux which I never have had before) which was really horrible for a few hours. So for the first three days, I tried not to lay down flat right after I had taken my hydrocodone.
I'm glad I had this done, but it's not easy. Good thing I'm a very patient old lady with a very kind and solicitous old husband. he's been so sweet to me.
2windsong said…
One other thought. My surgeon prescribed Lidocaine Lollies. They are spherical suckers made of lidocaine and sugar or whatever (they still taste more or less gucky) but you just put that lolly right back on those wounds and gently roll it around until it starts to numb up. They are wonderful for when I am between hydrocodone doses and need some relief. I also use cepacol lozenges and they are good, too, but when I get them too far back in my throat on those sore spots, I either swallow them, or gag on them. Having the lolly connected to the stick is really a great great idea.

Good luck to anyone who is having their tonsils out as an adult. We belong to a very special club.
Anonymous said…
I am a 36 yo mother of three and had a tonsillectomy on tuesday. This is thursday and I am still hanging in there. I expected the worst pain and experience possible due to horror stories that I read, so things are not so bad. I need a root canal on one of my teeth and I now have thrush on my tongue (both adding to the pain), but as long as I dont miss a dose of percocet I am ok. I had powdered donuts soaked in milk this morning and yesterday had ramen noodles and a white castle hamburger(very small soft burgers only sold in missouri). They melt in your mouth so it didnt hurt horribly. I am waiting for the recovery to get worse because I was told that things get harder on day four. All in all though not a bad recovery and if having the nasty things removed keep me from being sick all winter it will be well worth it! I am lucky though, because my mom has been here helping me with my three kids. Could not do this without help so if you have to have this surgery accept any help offered. Good Luck to everyone out there having a tonsillectomy,
Anonymous said…
i am 30 and had mine out tuesday which was 6 days ago. i still cant eat right my uvula is HUGE. i have thrown up constantly since having them out and i think it may be adding to the pain. i have thrush in my mouth which feels terrible. no bleeding, just pain. pain in my left ear and pain of my uvula. i continuously gag on it which sucks. i just read somewhere to stay away from dairy products. ithink this is why i got the thrush. i am so ready fo rthe healing process to be over. this is almost worse than any bout of tonsilitis i have least then i could eat something. whats giving me the most problems is my uvula. i stay drinking apple juice. i tried V8 fusion but the thickness made me throw up again. has anyone else been so sick to their stomach after this? and it is aggrivating my uvula so bad. my whole room stinks now too cuz of the thrush. i am so ready for this to be over.
Unknown said…
I am getting my tonsils out in 3 days and I am very nervous as I have never had a surgery before and anesthesia. I have heard good and bad things about getting tonsils out, so I am hoping that it is not as bad as everyone has been saying. I hope that they give me some good recovering medications. I am very scared, but trying to think positive.
Unknown said…
I am a 25 y/o female and got my tonsils taken out 3 days ago. I have 3 young children, so get help! CANNOT do this without childcare. Surprisingly the pain is not as bad as I was expecting. The doctors tell you how horrible it'll be I think to prep you, because for some, it is that horrible. Luckily, I'm on oxycodone without tylenol. I can take 1 pill each hour and do tylenol on top if I need more pain killer. The dry throat during the night is painful and I think taking the first swallow after waking up is awful. I'm nervous going into days 4-7 as these are the bleeding days or the most painful the dr.'s say. Lots and LOTS of fluids make things go very smoothly. I am still struggling with nausea, but have only dry heaved this whole time. Thank goodness. In my mouth, the sides are now getting fluffy looking as they're starting to sluff. If I lay on my back, I can't breathe because my HUGE uvula covers my throat, so side sleeping for me for now. Hoping for a smooth rest of recovery. Cheers tonsilless adults!!!
Donna said…
Hi. I'm 44 years old. I had my tonsils out on Monday 10/3/11. I chose to have them out then because my school, which is year round, has two weeks off and the healing I was told would take 10 days in total.
Previously I was constantly getting sick with strep and other related illnesses. It was causing me to lose a number of days and possibly real soon a job I love.
I was prescribed the generic form of Vicadin, Hydrocodone. Truthfully I don’t like it and tried to come off of it the fourth day. Trust me I got back on real quick! Popsicles, slushies etc at first didn’t work for me (they felt acidic and tasted gross. I usually love popsicles), and I threw up quite a bit the first 2-3 days. Then my fiancé went for Chinese food and bought me egg drop soup and a watermelon smoothie. It was the first time my nausea got under control. Since then (day 7) I have been drinking similar items and I have added mash potatoes to the mix, but I can only eat a little. Ice cream ha! Too much mucus build up from the dairy (I have enough already).
I rinse my mouth out consistently to keep it under control from the rest of my mouth. I looked back there with a flashlight and a magnification mirror. I saw a lot of mucus. My tongue also feels very sore and swollen. I thought about it yeaterday and figured that I may be biting it in my hard won sleep. So I am forcing my teeth together to keep my tongue from further damage, if that is what was happening. Feels weird though.
Oh by the way, I don’t use as many meds as I did on day 5, but I know that the child’s Tylenol they gave me won’t keep the pain under control, so I stick with the Hydorcodone. My fiancé has been a God send. I also sometimes ice my throat when it is real bad. Not for long you, will see if you try it, but it offers a great deal of relief.
Donna said…
Hi its me again Donna. I want to thankyou guys for our posts. The me more I thought about it, the mucus I spoke of was thrush. Now I don't recall my doctor or nurse speaking about this. I took your advice about rinsing with duluted Hdrogen Peroxide and a little of the old Dr. tichners (my people believe in him sooo much lol) and rinsed. It worked! It is also calming down the pain. I am on day 8 and last night woke with a lot of pain. I rinsed took hydrocodone and slept well but the pain was an 8. Called my primary care nurse who said I was correct but shouldn't be having so much pain. So I'll be back.
2windsong said…
Hang in there all. The thing I loved best was the lydocaine lollypop. It's just a lydocaine lozenge on a stick but man oh man! when one of those zingers hits you suddenly and you feel like you're gonna faint from pain, even though you've given birth 7 times, you just grab that lollypop and poke it right back there on the exact spot and twirl it gently and in 5 seconds you feel relief!!! It IS prescription, but it is genius. Send your spouse out right now and tell them not to come home without some for you!! I've been tonsil free for a year and haven't had a sorethroat or cold since that wonderful day in November 2010 when my surgeon tooke them out!!! Good luck to all. Do not despair. 14 days of misery is worth it!! Nita.
EricaLynn said…
Day 6 and I'm miserable. The first four days were easy, I was able to drink tons of water and experiment with all sorts of l soft foods. Day five hit me like a freight train. Meds every 4 hours, ice packs on my throat/jaw/ears in the mornings. Popsicles hurt, heat hurts, and just keeping the saliva under control is a pain. My prescription runs out in 3 days and I'm freaking out. I'm normally very tolerant of pain but idk, this is just all the time. I can't talk, everything is swollen, I'm exhausted because I cannot miss doses, so 3.5hrs of sleep a stretch. And that morning pain is so awful that i do anything to avoid it. I'm a 25yr old female who's fiance works away for 3 weeks at a time. His family has been most helpful taking me places and bringing me supplies. But ultimately I'm dealing with the pain alone. I hope this turns out to be worth it because right now it seems hard to believe lol. Percoset 5mg, antihystamine and Zofran for nausea and opioid itching.
Unknown said…
I had my tonsils removed Thursday 11/19/15 I was in horrible pain for the first 3 days I couldn't eat or drink I could barely swallow my pain meds. On Day 3 which was Sat my mom took me to the ER we thought I had a bladder infection well turns out I had pneumonia. I spent the next 3 days in the hospital was released having to wear oxygen 24 hrs a day. Once my pneumonia was under control I was in a lot less pain. I'm on day 7 and it's Thanksgiving hopefully I'll be able to eat some yummy food.
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Anonymous said…
osma raheem.

How can I contact you, I sent all that information to you so I could get a loan for my tonsillectomy. Now I can no longer afford to get them removed, and they already started.

Please email me @.
Unknown said…
Had mine out when i was 10 and am now 49. I strongly suggest keeping an ice pack, frozen peas, or gel pack on your neck and throat all night the first say to keep swelling down. Food...tons of jello, anything like applesauce, jello...especially and most important.....TONS of ice cream!! Not only is it good but it helps keep the swelling down on the inside and not jyst outside of your throat. Along with the awesome taste of ice cream it keeps swelling down plus your throat will thank you cuz the cold feels wonderful on the surgical area. Good luck everyone, those before surgery and those in postop. Its really worth it all i promise. Stay postive, hydrate, plenty water and lots ice cream 😉
Unknown said…
Oh i forgot, if not ice cream, SHERBET... yep plenty of sherbet and it wont cause extra mucus. And popsicles of course. I found the banana ones were best for me, no nasty leftover taste in back of throat from surgerical sight and not a heavy color on your tummy. Again please keep ice, frozen peas, frozen gel packs...any of those, keep them around ur throat as much as possible. My mom kept it on mine and it helped so much with swelling the 2 days after surgery. My roommate in the hospital however, her throat swoll up tons. So i suggest the ice round the clock for first couple of days. I stayed away from any soups, mashed potatoes, or any other hot tupe foods for first few days as well pervmy mother as it would have irritated the healing and made the pain worse. Makes sense as i avoided hot liquids or hot food and kept with jello, ice cream and sherbert and my throat got better faster than 2 weeks time i can tell you that lol. You never really pay attention to these things at the time of the postop...plenty of rest and tons cold sherbert and jello 😉 lol i also remember having a couple of ice ice cold coke and it felt so good on my throat and it tickled actually as the fizzies hit the healing parts. I guess it may have helped clean it with the carbonation. And the soda helps with any nauseated tummy.

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